  • Shadowing The Brow Guru
  • Shadowing The Brow Guru
  • Shadowing The Brow Guru

Shadowing The Brow Guru

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Master Microblading Shadow Day

Shadow Master Microblader The Brow Guru

Improve your skills and get one on one training
Watch me as I perform microblading and/or shading on 5-6 clients . See my process, how I shorten time, my sanitation and disinfection process, my favorite tools, color theory, problem solving, picture taking, consent forms, after care and much much more ! 

For Booking Fees: Remainder of payment of $595 is due on day of Shadowing

Must be a Certified Microblader

You will be contacted to confirm dates

By purchasing this course, you are agreeing to our policies.

No refunds at any time